Lyme Disease, Valley Fever, Depression, ADD, HPV, Herpes, all STD conditions including HEP C, Allergies, MS, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain; we also have all Saliva Tests, Neurotransmitters, Live Blood Microscopy, Hormones, DNA weight loss testing, Insomnia, Anxiety, Urinary Tract Infections, Kidney and Liver conditions, Adrenals, Candida & more.
When it comes to hormone testing, it's imperative to understand the various changes taking place within our bodies. Most of the changes may correlate with changes in mood, weight fluctuation, libido, and everyday wellness.
Live blood analysis is the use of dark field microscopy with high resolution for detecting live blood cells. This process is used by our team for showing the white blood cells. This is a very effective method that could diagnose a variety of illnesses.
Our DNA test is eligible to determine the food sensitivities you might encounter on a daily basis. Our food sensitivity test-which is different from a food allergy test-tests how well your DNA digests gluten, wheat, and dairy products. Some of the well-known reasoning's behind being unable to lose weight and experiencing exhaustion could be because our DNA is unable to handle certain foods.
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